Bayo Adelaja MBE

Bayo Adelaja is the founder and Chief Executive of Do it Now Now, a Community Interest Company based in London, UK. Bayo benefits from a strong academic background having achieved two Masters degrees from the London School of Economics, specialising in theories of sociology and social policy.

This follows her undergraduate experience at Durham University where she studied English Literature, proud to have had the opportunity to study at the same university as her Grandfather who was both a preacher and a teacher.

Bayo comes from a long line of entrepreneurs and changemakers with both Grandfathers being honoured by the late Queen of England for their contributions to social service and welfare within the Commonwealth. Bayo is deeply inspired by the potential for a better future and feels called to contribute to that with specific focus on the Black community in the UK who face systemic and institutional barriers that insist on our continued subjugation and thrive on our inability to bear the adverse consequences of standing up to their injustices. 

Bayo enjoys reading, watching movies, going to concerts and has recently committed to travelling as much of the world as possible in hopes of matching her mother's travel experience. Her mother has set foot in 63 countries over her lifetime.


Amaka Onu


Chantal M’Biki